Apps that Flutter devs are building
Small insight into what other mobile developers are working on.
As part of my talk warm-up1 I ask the attendees what kind of apps they build. Recently I started to collect these answers via a word cloud, and just wanted to share it publicly. There’s nothing statistically significant here aside from showing that Flutter is so much more popular in Europe than US.
Fluttercon (Berlin)
In July I asked it for the first time and got over 200 responses. The most popular across European devs was Healthcare.
Flutter & Friends (Stockholm)
Two months later in Stockholm the most popular was Fintech with Healthcare as a runner up.
Fluttercon USA (New York)
And finally yesterday in New York got a bit smaller pool, but still quite a wide spectrum.
For me having this kind of exercise helps to break the ice with the audience. People start to laugh or point out various topics on the screen. In fact it sets the mood for at least part of the talk to be more casual and open.
Cheers and all the best from NYC!
I just did a talk at Fluttercon USA about native background processing in Flutter