I’ve just came back from Stockholm and I must admit - this conference was a blast!
This year has been quite busy for me both as Flutter speaker and developer. Each of the Flutter events had something special that I will remember fondly for a long time. The latest one, though, has became my favorite, mostly by not trying to be just another conference.
Public speaking and events have always been a way for me to combine my urge to share what excites me with a possibility to recharge my social batteries. Working remotely, mostly from home, despite being quite convenient and productive, can take its toll when it comes to social interactions. Many fellow developers have shared similar stories whenever I mention my motivation for speaking at conferences.
Flutter&Friends, although relatively small, has been an amazing event! I think it was one of the few actual conferences where the division between speakers, staff and attendees has almost vanished. Based on my past experience these groups tend to stick together whereas this time I actually experienced this kind of siloing much less. Most of the attendees would agree that having pre-conference activities like amusement park pentathlon have made it so much easier.
Here’s us enjoying some churros after the roller-coaster ride :D
I guess we are all here on this newsletter for Flutter stuff, so here are some of my thoughts related to that.
First of all, the quality level of all the talks has been super satisfying. I must say that with each event I get a chance to attend, most of the Flutter speakers deliver world-class tech content. Compared to other communities with years of professional speakers and oceans of topics, we’re not that far behind.
Let me just mention few of my favorites:
The highlight of the event was definitely Dart VM deep dive by Slava Egorov
The shorebird.dev talk and workshop by Felix have been perfect and super inviting; congrats on the conference app btw 🖖
And what’s best you can watch the entire day stream online on YouTube including amazing musical interludes by Jack Nutting (e.g. at 3:03:00)
Having separate workshop day was just a cherry on top which I want to see at other conferences so much.
To finish my note I want to thank the organizing team (Lukas & Alek in particular) and my dear old and new friends for such an amazing time. Stay amazing!
Thank you Dominik 🙏 Warms our hearts 💙
Thanks for your kind words! 💙
Hopefully we can make it even better next year, we might have tried to cram in too much stuff some days, which was quite noticeable on the speakers dinner. 😅