Go to conferences (if you can)
I was going through my conference badges today and just wanted to share my immediate impression.
Over the last few years I’ve been to over 50 meetups and conferences as a speaker. That’s been a life defining experience, and I don’t want to stop. Some of my talks were terrible, but there are few that I’m quite proud of. Having to prepare one is always a struggle, sometimes affecting personal life, but the satisfaction is unparalleled.
What I want to say in this short note is: if you’re looking for something more in your work or life, try to speak at conferences.
In the Flutter ecosystem there are some amazing opportunities all the time:
local GDGs and meetups: gdg.community.dev/events
big conferences: m-theis/flutter_conferences
open CFPs on Sessionize: sessionize.com/app/speaker/discover
Flutter Slack and Discord sometimes include announcements
If you’ve been hesitating, maybe this e-mail will nudge you a bit?